Find local and regional resources compiled by the Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability.
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Statewide Resources
The Arc of Indiana is committed to all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities realizing their goals of living, learning, working, and fully participating in the community.
The Autism Society of Indiana (ASI) exists to ensure that every individual and every family affected by autism in the State of Indiana receives the high-quality services they deserve
Offering one-to-one friendship, integrated employment and leadership development programs for individuals with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities in Indiana.
The Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services envisions a community where all people have equal access and opportunity to realize their good life. We are committed to partnering with individuals, families, and professionals to ensure person centered services that empower people with disabilities and their families by connecting them to the resources and supports to live their best life. Our core value is that all people have the right to live, love, work, learn, play, and pursue their dreams. If you are interested in programs, you or a loved one may be qualified for, Fishers is a part of District 5 and can be reached by calling 317-205-0101.
Dementia Friends Indiana seeks to educate communities across the state about dementia, break down the stigma surrounding dementia, and implement practical changes that make life easier to navigate for those with dementia and for their loved ones.
Disability Legal Services of Indiana provides free and low-cost legal services to children and adults with disabilities in Indiana, primarily in education matters. Individuals must qualify for services and can apply by submitting an application, found on the DLSI website.
Down Syndrome Indiana is a one-stop-shop for information and resources on Down syndrome. The programs it offers are intended to promote the inclusion of individuals with Down syndrome in their greater community, as well as, to offer support and information to families, caregivers, educators, employers, and the professionals who serve individuals with Down syndrome.
The only parent support group in Indiana for the Spanish Speaking Community.
Guardian Care is an in-home medical service for medically fragile children.
HANDS in Autism has emerged as a state-wide training and resource center making a significant impact in the lives of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other special needs as well as their families and caregivers.
Hoosier Mobility sells and rents all sorts of medical equipment: scooters, wheelchairs, walkers, lift chairs, etc. They can replace batteries. They do home modifications such as ramps. This is a veteran-owned company. Locations are in Fortville and Carmel, but they come to you.
A free comprehensive online tool specifically designed to connect people in Indiana with disabilities, family members, and professionals to disability-related programs and services across the state of Indiana.
Indiana Family to Family provides information, training, and one-on-one support to Indiana families of children and youth with additional health and education needs, and the professionals who serve them. We aim to provide families with tools to make informed decisions, advocate for improved systems and policies, and build partnerships between professionals and families. We are Indiana’s Parent to Parent organization and an Alliance member of Parent to Parent USA; the state affiliate organization for Family Voices; and we serve as Indiana’s Family-to-Family Health Information Center.
The Indiana Institute serves as a liaison between academia and the community in Indiana through a national network of entities know as the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. A vast number of resources are available including ongoing trainings and workshops.
Our mission is to improve the daily lives and wellbeing of people with Parkinson’s disease. Resources available locally include support group for people with Parkinson’s and their families. There are also other networking opportunities locally.
Realizing the increasing incidence of autism spectrum disorders, the Indiana Resource Center for Autism (IRCA) staff are actively engaged in work that leads to improved outcomes for individuals on the spectrum and their families.
A parent-to-parent network equipping families & partnering with professionals to help students with special needs realize their potential.
The Invisible Disabilities® Association (IDA) is about believing. The frequently invisible nature of illness and pain may lead to disbelief about that illness or pain by those surrounding the person who lives daily with invisible disabilities. Our mission is to encourage, educate and connect people and organizations touched by illness, pain and disability around the globe.
The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, known in the MS community as MS Focus, is a nonprofit organization focused on providing free services that address the critical needs of people with MS and their families, helping them maintain the best quality of life.
RHI provides personalized, compassionate care for individuals facing life-changing injury or illness. Whether you’re recovering from a brain injury, stroke, spinal cord injury, transplant or other trauma, we provide world-class rehabilitation – including inpatient, outpatient, and follow-up services.
Adaptive Sports Expo – August 13, 2022
What is commonly referred to as “VR,” is a state program that can provide quality individualized services to enhance, and support people with any kind of disability to prepare for, obtain or retain employment.
Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability Network
Service Providers
The facility will offer top quality ABA therapy to individuals aged 2-12 with Autism. Early childhood services are designed in response to research demonstrating the benefits of early intervention. Our older learners (8-12 years of age) will receive evidence-based therapy to promote independence with daily living, communication, social and increased learning skills across environments.
The Behavior Analysis Center for Autism will provide the most efficacious applied behavior analysis services to children and young adults with autism while utilizing Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior. BACA will improve the quality of life for every client by ensuring staff receive and apply intensive, on-going training. Treatment will be based on current research findings from the most experienced scholars in the field of behavior analysis in the areas of teaching language, social, self-help, academic and employment skills.
The Good Samaritan Network supports our community in loaning simple medical equipment to the residents of Hamilton County and those being served by Hamilton County physicians and hospitals.
Janus Developmental Services, Inc. is proud to operate the public transit system for Hamilton County. The program is an affordable origin to destination service that meets the transportation needs of individuals enrolled in programs and services on site at Janus Developmental Services, Inc. as well as the public.
Provides comprehensive in-clinic and behind-the-wheel driving evaluations and training to individuals who have a disability, have experienced a medical status change, or if there are concerns regarding and individuals’ driving safety.
Hamilton Southeastern Schools provides a full continuum of special education services for students. Special education includes specially designed instruction to meet a student’s unique educational needs and related services to support a student’s educational program. The services range from support for students placed in general education classroom settings to self-contained specialized programs for students whose educational needs require more intensive services and support.
Insights is an agency that partners with people of all ages who have intellectual and developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injury, and autism spectrum disorders partnering with the staff, their friends, and families. Insights provides residential supports, behavior supports, music therapy and mental health counseling.
Janus provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to participate and contribute within the community. They act in partnership for individuals, their families, and the community. Janus provides many supports and opportunities including transportation through the Hamilton County Express program, community services, work experience programming, day programming and Capabilities Café’.
We are a Fishers-based pediatric clinic providing family centered care to children of varying abilities from birth through teenage years. We offer speck language, and cognitive therapy and our therapists specialized in feeding and swallowing therapy. We use a collaborative team approach to customize each child’s plan of care and assist families with daily routines.
New Hope of Indiana offers community-based transition services to young adults exiting high school and looking for services which will encourage personal growth through volunteering, pre-vocational skills-training, and recreation. These programs include the AIM program and the Cheese & Thank You food truck.
OPG is committed to providing meaningful and dignified support services to individuals with intellectual disabilities. Through a variety of services, we keep our mission top of mind, as we march forward to support self-advocacy and self-reliance. OPG provides many supports and opportunities including self-directed community-based services, behavior supports, music therapy, occupational therapy, and employment services.
OTB’s mission is to empower people with intellectual disabilities toward personal growth through education, self-discovery, leadership development, and a customized career path. OTB supports the Fishers area currently with employment services and an inclusive summer camp for individuals 6–10-year-old. OTB is seeking to expand their innovative day program into the Fishers area in the future.
It can be vitally important for first responders (a police officer, fire fighter, emergency medical technician) to know that a resident at the address has visual, hearing, mobility, or other special needs or information during an emergency situation. Citizens can participate in this free listing service by visiting our Public Safety page and registering here.
Clubs & Networking
Hosts both virtual and in person meetings.
The mission of the Hamilton County Autism Support Group is to provide community awareness of Autism and help support our families where everyday lives are challenged with a child in their family with Autism.
Instagram: @aktionclubfishers
Facebook & Live events for Autistic Adults/Teens in Marion and Hamilton County.
Inclusive Performing Arts
The Academy of Dance Arts’ Dance Abilities program this is an adaptive, inclusive dance program for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities. In addition to the two dance classes (beginner jazz and dancing duos), students from these programs are included in other initiatives across the Academy of Dance Arts such as the “dance buddies” program. Dancing Duos is designed for 2 – 5 year olds and allows an adult to dance alongside their dancer with special needs. Both are introduced to rhythm, movement, and dance through use of their imagination & games. This class helps build bonding, coordination, flexibility, musicality, discipline, and social skills. But most of all it is FUN!
Here at GymRoots you are ultimately in the driver’s seat. We are simply here to provide guidance and energetic rocket fuel to help solve your most difficult or puzzling situations. We have a proven track record with past and current clients who can attest to their progress with the inclusion of Pranic Healing sessions.
Financial Planning Resources
The Arc Master Trust offers families and people of all disabilities an experienced, professional option for special needs trust administration at an affordable price, allowing resources to be saved and easily used for qualified disability and personal expenses.
INvestABLE Indiana gives individuals with disabilities the ability to save money without losing vital benefits, such as SSI or Medicaid. These tax-advantaged savings accounts, also known as ABLE accounts, allow funds to be used on disability related expenses that improve one’s health, wellness or quality of life.
Local businesses focused on supporting people with Special Needs
Individuals 6 years-old and up are invited to the Eman School (11965 Allisonville Road) every other Saturday from 11:30-1 p.m. Saturday School consists of Quran, Islamic studies, arts and crafts, snacks, gym sessions and Salah. Cost is $50 per semester. To sign up, visit
LUNA provides people-powered translation and interpreting services from real people with real world, nuanced expertise to ensure effective and accurate communication across all industries.
We serve to help adult Hoosiers who are blind or visually impaired gain the life skills they need to remain independent, and the job skills they need to stay self-sufficient.
We have specially trained dentists that understand the unique needs of both children and adults with sensory sensitivities, oral aversions, communication challenges, and other special needs.
GiGi’s is a place to meet new friends in a safe environment, as well as to provide the opportunity for individuals with Down syndrome and their families to grow, develop, and network.
Serve Hamilton County through a global movement using sport, health, education, and leadership programs every day around the world to end discrimination against and empower people with intellectual disabilities.
Committed to changing lives daily by helping others regain their independence through wheelchair accessible transportation.