About the Legal Department
The Legal Department provides legal services to the City and Mayor, City departments, City Council, Board of Public Works and Safety, Advisory Plan Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, Police and Fire Merit Commissions, Redevelopment Commission, Economic Development Commission, Fire Pension Board and the City’s Municipal Utility.
The Department reviews all City contracts, drafts City ordinances and resolutions, carries out prosecution of ordinance violations, reviews and drafts internal policies and procedures, and represents the City and City Officials in litigation. The Department also manages the Deferral Program.
The Legal Department does not provide legal advice to members of the public.
Tort Claims
If you have a tort claim against the City, Indiana law requires you to first file a Notice of Tort Claim with the City before you may file a suit in court. The Notice must be filed within 180 days of the incident. Once filed, the City has 90 days to review the Notice and any documentation you attach, and respond with an approval or denial of your claim. A claim is deemed denied if the City does not respond within 90 days of receiving notice. Complete the Notice of Tort Claim. For tort claims, please contact Lindsey Bennett by clicking here.