In 2018, the City of Fishers joined the network of AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities, an affiliate of the WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities.
The designation emphasizes the City’s commitment to continued age-friendly efforts in four distinct categories: land use, housing, transportation, and parks.
Age-Friendly Action Plan
Fishers has taken steps to create an age-friendly community through the adoption of the Fishers 2040 Comprehensive Plan which includes age-friendly practices and focuses on creating a smart, vibrant, and entrepreneurial city.
Through the work of the Age-Friendly Fishers Committee and the support of our community partners, Age-Friendly Fishers prioritizes strategies that expand upon Fishers 2040 goals and objectives and will continue to identify best practices, community needs, and opportunities that support this vision.
Interactive Public Trail Map
Check out our Interactive Public Trail Map. This map includes popular trail loops around the City and provides information on parking and accessibility along the trails. Public trails help raise physical activity levels and support community connections.
Lifelong Housing
Using Universal Design principles, a home can be built or updated to support our changing needs and lifestyle at any age. This brochure lists optional Universal Design features potentially available for new or existing homes which are encouraged by the Fishers Planning & Zoning Department.
Fishers is recognized as being one of the best places to live in America, and it is important that this is true for all residents. We aim to optimize accessibility and to provide safe and usable pedestrian facilities, buildings, and parks for all residents. Through ongoing public input and a commitment to education and awareness, the city continues to ensure that Fishers one of the most livable, accessible, and best places to live in the United States. Check out the City’s accessibility resources here.
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