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The Fishers Engineering Department is laser-focused on designing, managing, and inspecting the infrastructure that powers your daily life.

From the meticulous planning of streets and sewers to the operation of traffic systems and the creation of detailed GIS maps, we ensure every project meets our high standards of quality and efficiency in shaping a well-connected Fishers. The Department is responsible for: 

  • Designing and managing street, sewer, building, and other infrastructure projects 
  • Design, review, and inspection of city projects 
  • Construction field inspections 
  • Contract project bidding and grant compliance 
  • Operating and maintaining traffic signals, signs, and lights 
  • Right of Way permitting activities 
  • GIS and mapping services 

The Engineering Department also works on Drive Fishers, the City of Fishers’ initiative to increase travel efficiency, improve connectivity, and maintain the sanitary sewer and water infrastructure via innovative projects and a proactive approach to construction and maintenance. 

Fishers Engineering Department Quick Links

Contact Fishers Engineering

Department Director

Hatem Mekky
Email Hatem

State Road 37: 141st Street

Construction on the final interchange of the State Road 37 Improvement Project at 141st Street will begin in summer 2024. See project details.

96th Street & Allisonville Road Roundabout Reconstruction

The City of Fishers is reconstructing the existing Michigan Left intersection at 96th Street and Allisonville Road to become a two-lane roundabout adjacent to the new River Place development. The roundabout is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2024. Learn more about the project.

Check Out the Capital Projects Dashboard

See the interactive and comprehensive tool designed to keep you informed about our ongoing and upcoming projects. Explore real-time project details, timelines, and budgets all in one place, providing you with valuable insights into our city’s infrastructure initiatives.

Residential Private Roads

We understand the importance of well-maintained roads in your neighborhood. Our city, in alignment with Ordinance #R031322H, offers a clear process for homeowners and associations to submit privately owned residential roads for consideration and permanent City maintenance.

Residential Private Eyebrows

We’re here to streamline the process for dedicating and maintaining privately owned ‘eyebrow’ roads in our city. Homeowners and associations can request dedication at no cost to the City, ensuring your community’s roads are in top shape.