The purpose of this grant is to provide funding for creative and innovative ideas that make our community a more beautiful place to live, and projects that will positively impact the lives of Fishers residents. Learn more about the grant.
Grant Snapshot
- The Neighborhood Vibrancy Grant is a matching grant
- The grant provides funds to cover up to 80% of the project cost, applicants must provide the remaining 20% of the total project cost.
- The maximum grant amount is $25,000
- The application deadline for this round has passed. Stay tuned for information on round 2!
Who can apply?
Homeowner’s Associations and Neighborhood Groups within Fishers City Limits.
Award Process
- Applications will be reviewed by the Neighborhood Vibrancy Committee
- The Committee’s recommendation is then provided to the Board of Public Works for review and approval.
Application Timeline 2025
Applications Accepted: November 1, 2024 – January 13, 2025
Committee Review & Grants Awarded: February 2025
If funds are still available, details on a second review will be announced in March 2025
Preferred Projects
Funding must be used towards costs of a project which involves design, construction, or installation. Ideas and example photos are provided here to kick start creativity! Priority is given to projects that will have the greatest visibility and positive effect on Fishers as a community. Projects located inside the public right-of-way are subject to additional review and approval. Below are ideas for preferred projects:
Environmental & Sustainable
- Converting high maintenance common area lawns to no-mow native plantings
- Monarch Butterfly Waystation and/or Wildlife Habitat Corridors
- Neighborhood Community Gardens
- Installation of Rain Gardens
- Replacement of Invasive Species with Native Plantings
- Installation of shoreline plantings, water aeration, or rain gardens near detention/retention ponds (White River Alliance Resource)
Recreation & Neighborhood
- Improving Neighborhood Vibrancy and Appearance
- Common Area Trail Repairs & Improvements
- Park Improvement such as Picnic Shelters, Benches, Planters, Mini-Libraries, or Accessible Playground Equipment
- Improved Neighborhood Safety
- Expand Pedestrian Connectivity /Neighborhood Walking Trails
- Installation of Solar Lights or other renewable energy projects
- Tactical Urbanism
Undesirable Projects
- Short-term solutions that do not mitigate long-term issues
- Regular maintenance, including planting annuals and replacing mulch.
- Use of any landscaping elements not approved by the Fishers Planting Guide.
- Previously completed projects.
Special considerations are given to:
- Vibrant and innovative ideas that are unique and solve an existing problem
- Visibility of improvements
- Beautification effects
- Sustainable and innovative solutions
- The potential impact of the grant and number of people that will benefit from the project
- The extent of local volunteers, fundraising, and involvement in the project
- Cost effectiveness
Application Requirements
- Completed online application
- Registration of Homeowner’s Association, if applicable
- Location map clearly indicating the specific location of proposed improvements
- Images of existing conditions of project area
- Plans and other drawings showing the proposed project
- Detailed project budget with itemized list of project costs and funding sources (please use budget detail sheet)
- Verification of cost, such as a contractor bid verifying total cost of improvements
- Organization’s Reserve Study.
- All planting plans must specify scientific names, including genus and species (and cultivar when available); Planting projects must comply with the City of Fishers Planting Guide and Urban Forestry Program and utilize all native species unless otherwise proven to support local species.
- Project must be completed one (1) year from application window.