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Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability


  • 5:30 p.m., quarterly
  • Fishers Municipal Center Theater
  • 1 Municipal Drive
  • Fishers, IN 46038

Submit a public comment to be read during the meeting. Questions can be directed to 317-595-3111.

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Agendas & Minutes

Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.

Recorded videos are available 24 to 48 hours following the meeting on the City of Fishers’ YouTube channel. Questions can be directed to City Hall at 317-595-3111.


  • Cecilia Coble
  • Kelly Hartman
  • Wilbur Sutton
  • Katie Jackson
  • Darcy Keith
  • Chrissy Pogue
  • Michelle Steltz
  • Ross Hilleary, ADA Coordinator
The Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability

About the Committee

The committee is made of active citizens who are engaged in their community, ask the tough questions, and get results when it comes to disability advocacy. The committee meets quarterly and provides information regarding disabilities to the community of Fishers through presentations.
The Committee may perform the following:

  1. Provide strategic direction/guidance of: March Disability Awareness Month campaign & events, Fishers ADA Transition Plan, and any similar programming created by the City;
  2. Represent the diverse needs and interests of the people with intellectual and development disabilities in the City;
  3. Review and provide feedback on the City’s current services, policies and practices;
  4. Provide informed input on the development and assessment of future City projects and services that impact people with intellectual and developmental disabilities;
  5. Work in partnership with local area employers and community partners to increase employment and meaningful work opportunities of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the City;
  6. Collaborate with disability stakeholders, community partners and city leaders to foster a culture of inclusivity and enrich the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families;
  7. Adopt rules for affiliate memberships to encourage inclusivity and greater participation;
  8. Accept gifts, contributions, and bequests of funds from individuals, foundations, corporations, limited liability companies, and other organizations or institutions;
  9. Enter into contracts within the limitation of funds available with individuals, organizations and institutions for services furthering the objectives of the Committee; and
  10. Any City board or committee may refer projects which contemplate physical or intellectual disabilities to the Committee for its review and consideration.


In 2012 the ADA Citizens Task Force was formed to inform staff with accessibility priorities as a requirement of the then Town’s ADA Transition Plan. In 2016 the City recognizes the first March Disability Awareness Month in Fishers and in 2017 was renamed the Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability (FACD) and received the Champions of Inclusion Award from the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities in recognition of their efforts.


In February 2022 the City of Fishers City Council codified the Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability with Ordinance No. 022122A and added Chapter 32.62 to the City Code.
The Purpose of the Committee is to:

  • assist the City’s efforts of becoming a community where persons of all abilities are recognized as a key component to our vibrancy
  • establish priorities and strategies to address various challenges and needs facing the disability community
  • promote inclusion and accessibility and strive to make Fishers a community where people with physical and intellectual disability can live life


The Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability is comprised of seven subcommittees:

March Disability Awareness Month Subcommittee

The March Disability Awareness Month Subcommittee plans the events for the month of March each year. Members also work with community partners to establish a yearly theme, procure sponsors and guest speakers. Each year, the City of Fishers recognizes and celebrates the contributions of the disability community through the arts, athletics, employment, and advocacy. This committee is co-chaired by Cecilia Coble and Kelly Hartman.

Housing Subcommittee

The Housing Subcommittee looks at how Fishers can provide housing that is accessible and affordable. It meets with local developers and City staff to move this initiative forward and has partnered with HAND and most recently with RealAmerica to build the first multi-family project that includes units that are accessible and affordable for the disability community. This committee is co-chaired by Wilbur Sutton and Tish Biggs.

Infrastructure/Accessibility Subcommittee

The members of the Infrastructure/Accessibility Subcommittee work with City staff on the ADA Transition Plan. Large capital improvement projects are reviewed for recommendations on ADA and universal design. The most recent highlights are the 7-million-dollar modification to the Nickel Plate Amphitheater and the highly anticipated Nickel Plate Trail. This committee is co-chaired by Karen Russell and Tom Dickey.

Technology/Communication Subcommittee

The Technology/Communication Subcommittee focuses on advances in technology related to accessibility and works to improve communication through collaboration with City of Fishers Departments such as Public Relations and Community Engagement, Planning and Zoning, and Fishers Fire Department & Emergency Services. Highlights include developing the Special Needs Registry, File of Life Program, and sonic boom boxes for Fishers Police vehicles. This committee is co-chaired by Cecilia Coble and Kelly Hartman.

Employment Subcommittee

The Employment Subcommittee brings awareness of employment opportunities and helps educate area employers of the large workforce capacity of individuals with physical and developmental disabilities. The Fishers Disability Inclusion Business Networking Group was established to connect vocational training specialists with HR representatives to provide a network of potential employees with area employers. This committee is co-chaired by Chrissy Pogue and Michelle Steltz

Transportation Subcommittee

The Transportation Subcommittee focuses on solutions for transportation for jobs, independence, and access to the community. Ongoing discussions about the continued need for access are also being addressed. Future considerations include autonomous technology and ride sharing programs. This committee is co-chaired by Cecilia Coble and Kelly Hartman.


Submit an application for appointment to the Fishers Advisory Committee on Disability.