Who Must Appear
Mandatory Appearances for Traffic Violations
Persons charged with the traffic violations listed below MUST appear in person in Court on the date on their ticket:
- Driving While Suspended
- Operating without Proof of Financial Liability
- Speeding 26+ mph over posted limit
- Neighborhood speeding 16+ mph over the speed limit
- Driver under 18 years of age (must appear with parent or guardian)
- exception; drivers under 18 who are charged with seat belt violations do not need to appear.
- School Bus Stop Arm Violations
- Speeding in Work Zone While Workers Are Present; 26+ over posted limit
- Learner’s Permit Violation
- All other Traffic Violations may admit the violation and pay in advance.
- See Rules of the Court and info about Trials.
Driving While Suspended Infractions
- If you are charged with a driving while suspended or no proof of insurance infraction, you must appear in court. Even if you are able to resolve your reason for suspension, you are still required to appear on your initial hearing date at the bottom of your ticket. Please bring any paperwork/documents regarding your license and driving record to court.
- You are strongly encouraged to resolve your suspension and bring a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, and financial responsibility to your court appearance. Written documentation is required for court.
- Failure to appear may result in license suspension certified to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and the judge may issue a default judgment.
- If you need to reschedule your initial hearing date, please contact the court before your original initial hearing court date at 317-595-3130.
Mandatory Appearances for Non-Traffic Ordinance Violations
- All non-traffic violations of City Ordinance must appear in Court unless an agreement is reached with the City Attorney.
- If you reside outside the state of Indiana and are charged with an offense where you must appear in court, you should contact the clerk of the court regarding your court appearance.
- All persons under 18 years of age must appear in court with a parent or guardian (except for seat belt violations).
Appearing In Court
- Even if not required, you can still attend court. Check your ticket’s bottom for the date.
- Can’t make the date? Call 317-595-3130 to reschedule once. You aren’t allowed to reschedule for more time to pay the ticket.
- The listed appearance date is your first hearing. The ticketing officer is not required to be there.
- Need an interpreter or translator? Please contact the Court by email or at 317 595-3130 to notify us of your needs and we will make accommodations.
Appearing by Video Conference
If you are unable to appear in Court in person, you may request to appear by video. To request a video appearance, call Court Reporter at 317-595-3130.
If approved:
- Provide a valid email for hearing details and Zoom link.
- Use a device compatible with Zoom Video conferencing (phone, tablet or computer).
- Display your first and last name on Zoom.
- Ensure sufficient lighting.
- Choose a quiet location.
- Not in a car.
- At work? Stay in a private room.
- At home? Avoid interruptions from others.
- Dress appropriately for Court.
A Zoom hearing is offered as a convenience for you, and is still a formal court procedure. Please maintain courtroom decorum.
Failure to Appear
If you fail to appear in Court, a default judgment may be entered against you, and your driving privileges may be suspended until the judgment is paid.
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