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aerial of Municipal Complex with old city hall


The Stormwater Utility was established in 2007 by Ordinance 110707A with rate resolutions and ordinances 121707E, SW032409, 030209F, and 082018 (passed 8-20-18). The current equivalent residential user rate is $6.66 per month equating to the following bill amounts per year by class below: 

  • Residential = $79.82 per year 
  • Condominium = $48.00 per year 
  • Unimproved = $26.64 per year 
  • Small Non-residential = $26.64 per year 
  • Non-residential = $79.92 per ERU per year 

Control Measures 

This utility funds the stormwater program, which consists of the following six minimum control measures as required by federal and state guidelines: 

  • Public Participation and Involvement 
  • Public Education and Outreach 
  • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 
  • Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping 
  • Construction Site Runoff Control 
  • Post-Construction Runoff Control 

Project Funding

In addition, the utility provides revenue for storm sewer maintenance, city right-of-way drainage improvements, and stormwater quality projects. 

Stormwater Utility Rate Adjustment (Effective 2019)